SIARD Suite 2.2 - Components

The SIARD Suite is made up of the following components:

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SiardGui implements an interactive graphical user interface facilitating processing of the data in a SIARD archive. Meta data can be edited, primary data cannot be changed. SiardGui is not suitable for complex research. For complex research, it is recommended that the SIARD archive be loaded into a database system and database techniques be used.

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SiardFromDb is a command-line application for extracting and storing a database in a SIARD file. This application's functionality is identical to the download function available in SiardGui. The command-line version is especially more comfortable when downloading large databases or downloading a number of databases in a batch. Further, long-lasting downloads can be better documented using stdout and stderr redirection (see "Using command redirection operators").

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SiardToDb is a command-line application for uploading a database from a SIARD file. This application's functionality is identical with the function available in SiardGui. Especially when uploading large databases, using the command-line version is more comfortable. Further, long-lasting uploads can be better documented using stdout and stderr redirection (see "Using command redirection operators").

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SiardApi is a JAVA API for reading and writing SIARD archives. Its Javadoc documentation is available in the folder doc/siard-api of the SIARD Suite distribution.

The SiardApi is implemented in the siardapi.jar in the lib folder of the SIARD Suite distribution. In addition, the following JAR files are required for its execution:

  • jaxb-api.jar
  • jaxb-core.jar
  • jaxb-impl.jar
  • msv-core-2010.2.jar
  • stax2-api-3.1.1.jar
  • woodstox-core-lgpl-4.1.2.jar
  • woodstox-msv-rng-datatype-20020414.jar
  • xsdlib-2010.1.jar
  • Zip64File.jar