SIARD Suite 2.2 - Logging

When problems occur with using the SIARD Suite, it is useful to save an execution log. Such a log (or – for security reasons – fragments of it) should accompany error reports to maintenance.

To create such a log, proceed as follows:

The file is found in the etc folder in the SIARD distribution. In this file, logging with level WARNING is redirected to the console and all levels are directed to a log file %t/siard2%u.log. Here the %t indicates the temporary folder (value of the TEMP or TMP environment variable) and the %u is replaced by a number. Under Windows this will result in something like C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\siard20.log).

The global level is initially set to INFO. More logging can be enabled by changing the line
This will slow down execution.