SIARD Suite 2.2 - Introduction to Database Archival
This is a quick introduction on how to archive databases with SIARD Suite. It also covers organizational issues that should be considered.
- Make sure you know which parts of the database need to be archived. If needed, get in touch with the responsible personnel, e.g. someone from the archive responsible for appraisal.
- Prepare the database for archival: create a new user on the database system that only has read permissions to objects that need to be archived. If needed, create a copy of your database (or certain tables/parts of it) or create views. The database may not be changed during the archival process, otherwise extraction with SIARD Suite will fail. Never archive from a live system.
- Download the database using SIARD Suite.
- Quality control: check the SIARD file to make sure that everything needed is included, spot check some entries to ensure everything went well.
- Advanced quality control: load SIARD file into a database system again. Run some defined queries on the original database as well as on the archived one and compare results.
- Supplement SIARD file with meta data.
- Define which external documentation needs to be archived together with the SIARD file to ensure comprehensability of the data (e.g. code tables, system documentation, Entity-Relationship-Diagram, ...).